Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nice try but no cigar...

Well today I am excitied because it has been confirmed that an intertribal drum group and 3 dancers will be performing at my daughter's school on Nov 29th. I am very excited about this and want to thank Lisa in American Indian Services at work for all the help in coordinating this.

I am also in search of pictures of Paul's Great Great Grandma Nancy Bachand-Wood-Murray. I posted a comment on the Anishinabe News website to see if there might be any Bad River members out there with some old picts of the hotel they ran (Hotel Murray) in Odanah WI in the early 1900s. No one in the family has a picture of her.

I also received some interesting info from the Indian Land Tenure Foundation. They have a publication that educates about restoring Indian lands back to tribes and how the allotment act of 1887 really screwed everything up. It just so happens that Paul's Great Gma Martha (photo) applied for an alottment, got a receipt for her application from the government farmer at the time and then got a letter from the BIA stating "Gee, we're sorry we can't award you you're rightful allotment...all the tribal land has been exhausted but hey...we may have some swamp land for you if the government ever decides they don't want it anymore..."

Our dream, mine and Paul's, is to somehow obtain that alltoment and dedicate it back to the tribe in memory of Martha. Even though Martha hid her native ancestry, I think deep down she had some pride and love of her heritage.

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