Monday, November 22, 2010

The Big Dog

It was told by my husband's uncle that when Great Grandma Martha was a little girl on the Bad River Reservation she was walking down a path (probably on her way to school). She noticed a big dog following her as she walked. She heard his paws trotting on the path behind her and she stopped. The big dog also stopped and stared at her. Martha turned around and began to walk and once again, heard the big dog trotting behind her. She stopped, and heard nothing...silence. She turned around and the dog was there staring at her just as before.

One of the neighbors happened to be driving down the same road Martha was traveling. He pulled over and asked Martha if she needed a ride. She accepted and climbed into the neighbor's pickup truck. Martha then asked, "Hey, did you see that big dog that was following me?"

The neighbor replied, "You mean the wolf that was stalking you! It was a good thing I picked you up!"


  1. Loved reading all these Aunt Dana. Very interesting! Can't wait to hear more. Ancestry and heritage interests me so much!

  2. Thanks Haley...nice to know I have at least one follower!
