Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Here I am

Well, here I am....it's been about 10 months since I've started researching my husband's Ojibwa hertiage and it has been fascinating, frustrating, exciting and maddening all at the same time.
What do I have so far?...just enough to be dangerous I think. It doesn't help that my husband Paul's (photo) Great Grandmother was ashamed of her native heritage and kept it as much a secret as possible. They all knew they had Indian blood....they never knew how much. Martha (G Grandma) always told them, "It's only a drop (of Indian blood) it is inconsequential." Come to find out, Martha was 1/2 blooded and her mother full blooded. I cannot believe that NOT ONE PERSON in his family had taken the initiative to research this. Paul did say his mother always told him, "You're Chippewa and don't you forget it."
So far I've been able to locate his Great Grandmother's info and link it to a huge family originating in the LaPointe WI area, later moving to LeAnse MI and then back to Odanah, WI (Ashland). I've also found some interesting stories about Paul's G, G, G, G, G, G Grandfather (yes...that's 6 Greats) Chief Waubojeeg. What's more interesting is that Paul's uncle had a ton of family information in his basement, hiding which assisted in the info found so far. Unfortunately
the mysterious missing trunk owned by Great Grandma Martha containing family history, pictures and stories of her childhood was supposedly taken ruthlessly by Martha's son's exwife....absolutely NO idea what has become of it...and what a shame that is.

1 comment:

  1. I was researching my history also, and was searching and found this, did you happen to ever come across anything for a Thomas St Arnold, his parents were Edward St Arnold(Julia) and Edwards parents were Mary (Descarreaux) and Edward(Eloi) St Arnaud(Arnold)
